
A kiwi is a brown bird that is a cute kind of bird. Kiwi's live in nature and nature is living things like living plants. Kiwi's make noise and the forest is noisy too. A kiwi's dad is bigger than a baby kiwi. Kiwi's are a kind of bird that is hard to find.                                            Ana

The kiwi is adorable and fluffy. The forest is dangerous and scary. The fern is fluffy and really soft.The forest rains a lot of times.                                                                         Dylan

The forest is wet and it is dark. The kiwi is black and it is fluffy. The fern is soft and and it is green.                                                                                                                            Qianhui

Kiwi's  live in dark forests that are damp and dangerous. Kiwi's are fluffy, soft and they eat worms. Kiwi's sit on ferns and the ferns are delicate.                                                      Oscar

I saw a kiwi in the forest and the kiwi was fat and cute whiteish brown feathers and a long beak. A baby kiwi was in the dark forest and it was small with grey feathers.                  Alex

A kiwi is in nature because it is wild. It lives in the bush. A kiwi has brown and white feathers. A forest is dangerous.                                                                                      Nicole

The kiwi is cute and the kiwi is lovely and it is beautiful and it is black and it is brown.                                                                                                                                                      Sarah

The kiwi is cute. The kiwi fern is delicate. The forest is creepy and dangerous. The kiwi is soft and fluffy.                                                                                                             Leonardo

The kiwi is round and looks like a ball of fluffy feathers. The kiwi was lost but he was found and he was back at the zoo!                                                                                           Aaron

The kiwi's mouth is long and they are so cute. I like the kiwi.                                            Ella

Kiwi are grey, brown, white, wild and cute. The kiwi is fat and fluffy. The fern is fragile, it's got lots of leaves. The forest is big, dangerous, dark and wet. The forest is wild too.                                                                                                                                                       Kitana

The forest is noisy and dark and interesting. The forest is delicate and pretty and dangerous.                                                                                                                       Maisy

The kiwi is fluffy, cute and it's sitting on the delicate fern. The forest is scary and is very wet. The trees are very tall and the trees have lots of leaves.                                               Harud

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